The Autumnal Equinox

The great wheel of the year, as envisioned by the ancients, has turned once again and now the Autumnal Equinox rules the land. The great harvest is upon us! The eight spokes of the wheel of time include the solstices, the equinoxes and the cross quarter divisions. On Monday, September 23rd, the Sun enters the sign of fall, Libra.

The gateway of the fall equinox is significant astronomically, astrologically, and as the ancient festival of harvest. Day and night are in equipose throughout the Earth. As the sign of friendship, Libra will guide us in the development of love in our relationships, rather than division and separation.

Aries- As the first sign of the zodiac, you are in natural correspondence with all of the other signs. The equinox places emphasis on the close relationships in your life. You are called upon, during these turbulent times, to exhibit expert diplomacy in both career and friendships.

Taurus- The Sun entering Libra is encouraging you to enter one of your hardest working phases. You will be able to apply fresh energy to projects that have been stalled in the past. Artistic efforts find particular inspiration from the sign of balance, ruled as you are by creative Venus.

Gemini- The twins are racing around the stars, excelling in multi-tasking, communication, and career projects. Romance is in the air for single Geminis so start examining perspective partners. The Sun has entered your fellow air sign, Libra, so you are finding that life is a breeze.

Cancer- The Moon Children are anticipating the glorious golden change of seasons in the mountains. Gracious Libran influences are inspiring fascination with your home, a natural for you, as you prepare, within and without for the seasons ahead and the cold and entertaining.

Leo- The fall season is fantastic for Leo, with the invigorating fresh air returning you to the royal powers that are inherent in your sign. You are a fire sign and airy Libra is just perfect for you. This sign is social and gracious prompting your urges to entertain friends and loved ones.

Virgo- Vibrant Virgo hands the scepter of the wheel of the year to the gracious sign of her sister, the fall equinox, lovely Libra. When the summer had completely ended, you ascended to bring order and continuity to the land. Now the sign of partnership, Libra, allows all of us to greet Fall.

Libra- Happy Birthday, Libra! The glorious golden season of Autumn is arriving in the mountains. This is the perfect time for you to celebrate with family and friends. Your ruling planet is gracious Libra, now in Virgo, allowing you to be discriminating with your invitations.

Scorpio– The sign that precedes yours, Libra, is introducing the season of Fall to the mountains. Scorpio is in a phase of manifestation having gone through phases of growth. Now is the time for you to assess your harvest and to plan for your birthday celebration and your year ahead.

Sagittarius– The fall equinox and the advent of the Sun entering Libra is particularly harmonious for you. The portion of your chart chart that can gaze into the future is now activated. With lucky Jupiter with you until December, picture what you want in your life and then make it happen.

Capricorn– The mountain goats continue climbing, reaching the peaks of their choice. Career oriented Saturn continues in your sign throughout 2019. In December, Jupiter the fortunate planet, joins him. All of your career efforts this year bring the results you want next year.

Aquarius– The geniac sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, appreciates the gracious energy of the Fall and of Libra. This social sign encourages you to appreciate all of your friends and to plan outings with them. You will be able to mediate among those around you in the month ahead.

Pisces– The Sun enters gracious Libra at the Equinox, proclaiming that the greatest benefits that we have in life are the people around us. Resources are activated for you during this cycle; you realize that you can draw upon the assistance of others in your end of summer projects.

Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-25-7258.

Vibrant Virgo

Happy Birthday to Virgo! Perfect partnerships with particularly pleasant companions punctuate travel and romance for you. The Sun is in Virgo as well as active Mars, gracious Venus and the symbol of relationships, Juno. Strong support arrives from the other two earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn.

The cultural wave that Virgo designs moves us from Leo’s light hearted freedom into orderliness. With a time for everything under the heavens, the wheel of the year rolls onward. Virgo provides the foundation needed to return to our lives after summer fun.

Aries– Virgo brings meticulous attention to detail, which allows you to organized the portions of your life that need direction. As we move to the cusp of the fall, leaving the summer behind, you find that the harvests you gather include both pumpkins from the garden and career recognition.

Taurus– You remain anchored to your connection to the earth and the life you have established during the months ahead, grounding you for the inevitable changes that life can introduce. Virgo, the serene sign now in the center of the stars, is your ally as you encounter the month ahead.

Gemini– You are preparing your home for the change of seasons ahead, perhaps building a garage, purchasing a cozy sofa, or redesigning a room. All of these earthy planets are proclaiming to you that diligent efforts will allow you to ground your plans into reality.

Cancer– Over the course of the past years you have worked to know who you are and also what you deserve from life. This month you will find that you are able to communicate your needs in an articulate manner. Your ally, virtuous Virgo, lets you find the niches that you need.

Leo– The lions of summer hand their crowns to the next sign, organized Virgo. All of the parties and vacations and revelry have ended. The children are in school now, and vacations end. Virgo will allow you to manifest your plans so that you can live life large in the style you appreciate.

Virgo– Happy Birthday! As you enter the center of the stars, you are joined by the other earth signs, determined Taurus and unstoppable Capricorn. The three of you control the majority of planets, allowing you to make your career plans tangible and well organized and successful.

Libra– Summarize your summer! Finish the task and get the job done now that the Sun has entered the organized sign of Virgo. This efficient sign allows you to review the past year and take care of any projects that you want to finish prior to the fall equinox and your birthday.

Scorpio– Allies arrive to advance your cause. The Sun enters one of your favorite signs, efficient Virgo. Athena, the warrior goddess, now in your sign, is activating your intelligence and bringing you the strategies your need for success. You know how to manifest your future now.

Sagittarius– The archer finds that the arrows that you have released into the heavens have reached their targets. Ceres, the harvest goddess, is in your sign, blending well with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and fortune. You continue to expand your life until the end of the year.

Capricorn– You continue to integrate both your childhood and experiences from your past, under the direction of psychological starry guidance. You are also working hard and your astrological ally, organized Virgo, is envisioning expansive travel, both mentally and physically, for you.

Aquarius– During this time of personal power the Sun in Virgo serves to ground your high voltage energy. You are building to successful years ahead, that will allow you to manifest your planet changing ideas. Any career project you nurture this year expands in the future.

Pisces– Synchronicity abounds with the perfection of psychic partnerships for you in the month ahead. Grounded Virgo, your opposite sign of relationships, is now in the center of the stars, making you popular. You know that we are all one planet and that we are all interconnected.

Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-258-7258.

Winter Solstice

Round and round the ancient wheel of the year turns, and the seasons change, and the years pass. The four corners of the zodiac are the equinoxes and the solstices. On December the 21st the Sun enters the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, the gateway of Winter.

Jupiter blazes like a meteor in Sagittarius during the year ahead, with incandescence inspiring all of the signs in the realms of knowledge, philanthropy, and travel. The astrological year begins ardently at the start of January. Business and philosophy are the major themes for 2019.

Aries- Biting into the pomegranate of 2019 is a pleasure for Aries. You have climbed over portions of rough terrain over the past few years, making you more resolute. Jupiter is now in your fellow fire sign Sagittarius, bringing you sweet rewards in career and relationships.

Taurus- The template that you have designed for relationships, solidified by the boundaries you have established, will now bring you the joy that you are ready to welcome into your life. You like Capricorn and its work ethic, as it starts the new year with practical ideas for problems.

Gemini- Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes upon the road, twins. You are ready to get behind the wheel, pick up the road map for 2019 and zoom ahead. Now that you have recovered from the recent retrograde cycle, and have finally found your car keys, you are ready to ride.

Cancer- You are out and about in the world around you in 2019. Way back when Pluto entered your opposite sign in 2008, you started a course on personal power in connection with others. In 2019 you will demonstrate this expertise in relationships with the people you meet and greet.

Leo- In 2018 you found new tools to put in your tool box and in 2019 you are ready to use them. You have experienced delays in parts of your life of late. This has served to increase your ability to develop the new strategies of negotiation and patience. Blend this with your innate verve.

Virgo- Gracefully climb over rough terrain and obstacles, and gambol in the path of the pragmatic mountain goat. Capricorn is not only featured in the month ahead, but in the year to come as well. You work well with this sign, who leads you to the solutions that you need.

Libra- Your narrative expands in 2019, as you exhibit the skillful art of balance that you have developed over the past few years. Capricorn, the mountain goat, leaps into the new year, and you follow with a certain ease of operation in relationships, with communications improving.

Scorpio- Janus, the god of January, had two heads, so that he could look backward and forward simultaneously. Following in his stead, you find that the past will show you where you want to be in regards to career and money, and will allow you to develop your blueprint for 2019.

Sagittarius- Meteors are lighting up the sky for Sagittarius! You are standing strong, looking up into the heavens. As you gaze upward, Jupiter, your guide, moves you into the year ahead. The large, lucky planet inspires you to expand any and every portion of your life that you choose.

Capricorn- The magician stands in front of the table with the elements of life arrayed upon it. Disciplined Saturn and powerful Pluto, both in the sign of the mountain goat in 2019, direct the hand of Capricorn as this sign holds the wand of will upward and conjures the future desired.

Aquarius- The trajectory of your future appears before you. The two astrological elements that design career are both poised to propel Aquarius into the world. The think tank of 2019 leads you into new visions of your role in 2020 and then fortune broadly smiles upon you in 2021.

Pisces- The zen of being one with the universe guides Pisces into 2019. The well spring of inspiring Jupiter and the direction of practical Saturn are a fine combination to lead you forward. You envision 2019 before you and then under the evening stars, you find that you become 2019.

Karen Anderson is available for readings at 303-258-7258.